Main Design

Spende zum Green November

Schütze, was du liebst! Als Mamis und Surferinnen ist es für uns selbstverständlich, dass wir das schützen wollen, was uns wichtig ist. Unsere gesamte Bademode besteht aus recycelten und nachhaltigen Stoffen....
Yvi Böni
Main Design

Blue November - donation and sale

JOIN US AND HELP PROTECT OUR OCEANS Being as sustainable as possible has been our main goal. All our surf- and swimwear pieces are made out of recycled fabrics, such...
Main Design

1600 meals for Corona victims

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT As you might have heard, we donated 30% of all November sales to SOS Indonesia to help Bali’s people in need. Thanks to your orders...
Yvi Böni
Main Design

Donation to SOS Indonesia

HELP FOR CORONA VICTIMS IN INDONESIA We donated 30% of all November sales to SOS Indonesia to help Bali’s people in need – the island that we love, where we...
Yvi Böni